Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Where has the time gone???!!!

Well I started this eons ago and never posted it, so here it is in its unfinished form just do I can post something new!

I can't believe how long its been since I posted here! And I can't believe Thanksgiving is next Thursday and then the holiday craziness kicks into FULL swing!! YIKES!!! Thinking of that makes me remember HOW MANY Christmas gifts I need to make!!!

I have been having a blast going scrapping every weekend for a while now! I don't think dh likes it, but it has been so nice to get a break form the boys-I think this is going to be one L O N G winter this year as they are climbing the walls already! I have some new creations to share with you from my adventures, here are a couple of my favorites!


1 comment:

marcibun said...

Have a great Christmas Val! I hope the new year finds you happy and healthy. Stay Safe (and warm - LOL) HUGS

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